SHL Moment 燕子珍爱 SHL Moment 燕子珍爱
郑重声明燕子珍爱幸福瞬间频道所展示的作品均来自真实客人定制照片,并经由客户本人同意在燕子珍爱唯一官方网站 进行发表。未经允许不得转载或用于任何商业用途,违者必究!olemnly declare: yanziwedding photo channel works on display are from real guests customize photos, and agreed to by the customer himself at yanzi official website be published. Without permission shall not be reproduced or used for any commercial purpose, rights reserved!
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Couples:冬至欢爱 Post Time:2015.01.28 | Photo by yanzilover
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郑重声明:燕子珍爱幸福瞬间频道所展示的作品均来自真实客人定制照片,并经由客户本人同意在燕子珍爱官方网站进行发表。未经允许不得转载或用于任何商业用途,违者必究! Solemnly declare: SHL MOMENT photo channel works on display are from real guests customize photos, and agreed to by the customer himself at SHL MOMENT official website be published. Without permission shall not be reproduced or used for any commercial purpose, rights reserved!

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